Tender Notice at UMATI

Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI)

Introduction: Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI) is an autonomous, non-political national NGO providing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information, education, and services in Tanzania. It has been in operation since 1959 and became a leading national organization providing quality youth-friendly SRH information and services, particularly to young people and women. In 1965 UMATI became a member association for International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) where technical and core funds support was provided. By being a member of IPPF, UMATI is internationally connected through experience sharing with other IPPF member associations.

UMATI is envisioning to see a Tanzania where people are free to choose and exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights without discrimination in gender, sex, and age. The visioning process of UMATI highlighted the need to integrate “without discrimination” as a recurring theme as well as an organizational value statement. “Freedom of choice” was agreed as a paramount inclusion at the end that UMATI would love to see by doing its core business.

UMATI’s Mission Statement is to champion SRHR and provide information and services targeting the young and underserved. In coming up with the Mission Statement, cognizance was put on the strategic position of UMATI as a leading SRHR service provider in Tanzania. This was eventually replaced by “champion” recognizing the need to lead not only by the provision of services but also by enabling other service providers including capacity building to local CSOs partners in the country to champion SRHR through their advocacy initiatives. UMATI strives for structural poverty reduction by improving the health of people in the country regardless of gender and political or religious beliefs, with priorities being given to the poorest communities and hard-to-reach populations.

ABOUT THE PROJECT: This project is a partnership between UMATI, and WGNNR AFRICA intended to increase young people’s ability to collectively advocate for the fulfillment of their SRHR and to live free from discrimination and violence. It intends to amplify the voice of youth-led and WROs to effectively advocate in a coordinated approach for young people’s access to integrated, quality, youth-friendly SRHR information and services. Specifically, the project will connect young people advocates and health workers to work together using evidence-based approaches to remove social, legal, and institutional barriers to Adolescent Girls and Young Women’s (AGYWs) access to integrated SRH services and information through joint advocacy campaigning, demand creation, and service delivery; and to create of safe spaces that facilitate mutual learning, sharing and supporting.

Visit orgsnization site for document files about the tender.

Request For Bids At Afrobarometer

Request For Bids at Afrobarometer(AB)
Afrobarometer Core Partner in Eastern Africa
Organizational Overview
Afrobarometer (AB) is a pan-African, nonpartisan and nonprofit research organisation that tracks political, economic, and social conditions in Africa. Guided by the vision of a world in which Africa’s development is anchored in the realities and aspirations of its people, Afrobarometer provides high-quality data and analysis on citizens’ evaluations and experiences of democratic governance and quality of life. This data is provided as a public benefit and is freely available to policymakers, policy advocates, civil society organisations, academics, news media, donors and investors, and ordinary Africans.

AB is dedicated to three main objectives:

  • to produce scientifically reliable survey data on public attitudes in Africa
  • to broadly disseminate and apply survey results, and
  • to build institutional capacity for survey research in Africa.

AB, a legal entity headquartered in Accra, Ghana, is managed by a 5-member Central Management team consisting of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), and Directors of Surveys; Analysis & Capacity Building; and Communications and anchored by a network of independent regional institutions known as Core Partners (CPs) currently based in Accra (Ghana Center for Democratic Development), Nairobi (Institute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi), and Cape Town (Institute for Justice and Reconciliation). The CP institutions provide leadership and overall supervision for fieldwork management, data analysis, and dissemination and engagement across all countries in their respective regions.

University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa and Michigan State University (MSU) in the United States provide support for capacity building and data analysis to the network. The network also includes National Partners (NPs) in each participating country, each of which falls under the CP for their respective regions. NPs are responsible for survey fieldwork and for the dissemination of survey results at the country level. NPs are mostly think tanks, research institutions, university departments or institutes, and private survey research institutions. More information on the Afrobarometer can be found at VAVw.afrobarometer.org.

With this structure, Afrobarometer CPs play a critical role in the management and implementation of AB’s activities. Through their role in the AB Senior Advisory Team (SAT), they assist the Secretariat in providing overall direction and management of the surveys and related activities. CPs manage National Partners (NPs) on all survey and dissemination activities. The purpose of this Call for Bids is to invite interested organizations to join the Network as Core Partner to manage its work in Eastern Africa and to provide support and strategic advice to facilitate the execution of all surveys and dissemination activities. The following countries fall under AB’s East Africa region: Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Seychelles, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. This list may expand as and when AB expands coverage to other countries in the region.

The key areas of CP responsibility include:

  • National Partner Management
  • New country assessments and new partner assessment and recruitment
  • Periodic rebidding of NPs
  • Survey Management (contracting, coordinating, and supervising/management of survey fieldwork and data cleaning)
  • Country-level results dissemination and communication and engagement activities
  • Participation in AB capacity building activities
  • Effective stewardship of AB funds and other assets.

Main Duties and Responsibilities
The specific duties of the CP institution include but are not limited to the following:

  • Managing surveys of nationally representative samples of the adult population of each National Partner (NP) country in Eastern Africa. This involves negotiating survey schedules with all NPs, negotiating budgets, contracting NPs, overseeing the identification of appropriate census data and sample design, reviewing questionnaires including translations, overseeing training of field staff and data collection and ensuring that NPs adhere to timelines and AB survey protocols.
  • Oversee all activities related to dissemination of survey results and ensuring AB protocols on communication are observed.
  • See to the implementation of sub-grant agreements in compliance with all associated conditions on behalf of the AB, including timely reporting on sub-grant activities. Must also ensure that payments made to NPs and activities under the CP do not exceed the agreed subgrant budget.
  • Offer strategic advice for AB survey and related activities, specifically data management and capacity building.
  • Provide advice and strategic guidance to all staff in the institution who work on AB surveys.
  • Coordinate with the line managers of AB staff, (including the Chief Operating Officer, to ensure that AB activities within the CP are carried out in adherence with AB policies, protocols and job descriptions.
  • Be a standing member of and actively participate in the AB network’s Senior Advisory Team (SAT), attend all SAT meetings (travel and other logistical costs will be covered by the AB Secretariat).
  • Be a standing member of and actively participate in the AB C00- CP quarterly meetings.
  • Ensure that the employment or contracting of staff working on AB surveys and related activities are fully compliant with legal and institutional requirements.
  • Coordinate with AB on annual performance reviews of staff working on AB surveys and related activities, ensuring compliance with legal and institutional requirements.
  • Clear and regular communication with national partners to ensure alignment around implementation schedules.
  • Facilitate timeous payment to national partners upon completion of their contractual obligations.
  • Ensure alignment between core partner organizational processes and procedures and that of Afrobarometer.
  • Convene monthly mandatory meetings between CP director or his/her designated team lead and CP staff working on Afrobarometer.
  • Any other necessary duties that may emerge in the course of the partnership or as determined by the Central Management Team.

Bid submission

  • Bids must include the following:Incorporation details of your institution and other relevant documentation
  • A description of the personnel to work on the Core Partner team. Key personnel should include people with expertise and experience in managing nationally representative surveys, assessing sample design, developing and indigenizing survey questions, programing survey questionnaires, monitoring data collection remotely or physically, reviewing and cleaning datasets, analysing, interpreting and presenting survey results to government, policy actors, civil society organisations, media, donors, academia etc. In addition, the CP must have experience in managing donor funded project funds. The bids should specify each category of personnel’s daily rates and the qualifications and experience as well as provide curriculum vitae of the Core Partner director, and the person(s) who will be responsible for project management including sampling, fieldwork, quality control, data management/analysis, communications, and finance/administration.
  • A detailed description of the Institution’s experience in managing large national surveys/large project (with supporting documentation if possible)
  • Audited accounts or a list of funders and grants received for the past 5 years
  • Two references from researchers/scholars who can attest to the quality of the institution’s work
  • Any other supporting documents that may be relevant for this role.

In evaluating bids. Afrobarometer will consider, in order of priority:

  • Demonstration of the ability and commitment to manage and oversee the conduct of high-quality fieldwork/data collection (including clarity of plans for supervision and quality control)
  • Evidence of a good understanding of and capacity to oversee data collection, analysis and dissemination of findings in the East Africa region.
  • Analytical skills (in particular, the availability of social scientists who can play a central role in analyzing survey results and working with the country teams to prepare and present country reports)
  • Communication skills: availability of a communication specialist to assist with disseminating survey results to diverse stakeholders in all countries in the region.
  • Capacity to manage resources: evidence of applicant’s ability to manage donor funds.
  • The overall quality and completeness of the proposal

Note that all aspects of the project must be implemented in accordance with the Afrobarometer Survey Manual and associated protocols, which will be provided to the successful applicant. Any necessary adjustments to the successful proposal can be negotiated during the contracting phase.

Deadline for submission of bids
The bid, including all supporting documents must be delivered in English by e-mail to contact@afrobarometer.org by close of business (5pm GMT) on 31st March 2023. Please put AB Core Partner for East Africa’ in the subject line.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Afrobarometer Procurement Team at: contact@afrobarometer.org