Expression of Interest for Potential Prosthetics Market Access Partnerships

Expressions of Interest for potential prosthetics market access partnership(s) for low- and middle-income countries

UNOPS ATscale seeks to establish partnership(s) to increase the affordable provision of quality components, materials and socket technology for serving lower-limb amputees – transfemoral and transtibial – in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). The core objectives of the partnership(s) are to:

  1. Increase the affordability of and access to the provision of quality prosthetic components, materials and socket technology in LMICs.
  2. Increase the visibility of available prosthetic components, materials and socket technology, and pricing, to buyers in LMICs to support planning and budgeting processes.

Through this Expression of Interest (EOI), UNOPS ATscale intends to gather information from suppliers in the prosthetics sector that are motivated by the belief that people with lower limb absence should have access to the quality prosthetic care they need at an affordable price.

The prosthetic components, materials and socket technology offered through the partnership(s) will need to meet international quality standards. After the review of the submitted EOIs, potential partners meeting the EOI eligibility criteria will be invited to engage with ATscale further to discuss the potential for collaboration. Potential partners will be invited to submit a detailed proposal, including specifics on the prosthetic components, materials and socket technology and their pricing, and confirmation that these meet the required quality standards.

Please see the document at the bottom to find out more. The EOI will be open until 31 December 2023, with submissions reviewed on a regular basis. The first review of EOIs will include those EOIs submitted prior to 1 March 2023. The next reviews will include submissions received by 1 June 2023, 1 September 2023 and 15 January 2024.

Please submit the completed EOI form (below) or any questions to:

Visit site ATSCALE for more details,list of countries included,forms and other documents…